Traditional Monsters
Traditional Monsters - EP#1
Traditional Monsters is a Paris based band made up of Emiko Ota (Drums), Axelle Murnau (Guitar), the Arnaud Caquelard (Bass) and Dick Turner (Voice and Trombone). The name of the group was inspired by a tattoo on Emiko’s ankle which shows a Japanese Traditional Monster. These monsters are a part of Japanese folklore; there are many different types, some friendly, some not so friendly, some who cause trouble, etc. They play an active part in peoples’ lives. We got to thinking that it was a good name for the group because our songs seem to be about the Monsters that rule our lives: Fear, Death, Control, even Love can be a Monster. So we thought, if this is the situation, why not sing.
Aufnahme 2014
Traditional Monsters - EP#2
The musical world portrayed by Dick Turner and Traditional Monsters is something of a bestiary filled with borderline characters in search of hypothetical happiness, painted against a background of desperate humor...
released June 23, 2015
Aufnahme 2014